Reading and Writing Office 365 Excel from a Console app using the Microsoft.Graph C# Client API

Updated on Sunday, September 18, 2022

Read and Write Excel from Microsoft Graph

I needed a console app that reads some inputs from an online Excel workbook, does some processing and then writes back the results to a different worksheet. Because I enjoy pain I decided to use the thinly documented new Microsoft.Graph client library. The sample code below assumes that you have a work or education Office 365 subscription.

Paste the code into a new console project and then follow the instructions at the top to add the necessary NuGet packages. You'll also need to register an application at You want a Native application and you'll need the Application ID and the redirect URL (just make up some non-routable URL for this). Under Required Permissions for the app you should add read and write files delegated permissions for the Microsoft Graph API.

Hope this saves you a few hours. Comment below if you need a more detailed explanation for any of the above.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Reading and Writing Office 365 Excel from a Console app using the Microsoft.Graph C# Client API #code #microsoft #excel #graph #office365 How to read and write data to an Office 365 Excel workbook using the Microsoft.Graph client library from a C# console application. )